Cherry Hill Painting

2024 interior paint colors

2024 Interior Paint Color Trends: Time to Get Inspired!

As we approach 2024, the world of interior paint colors continues to evolve, offering fresh and exciting options for homeowners and designers alike. Staying ahead of these trends is key to giving your home a contemporary and stylish look, so in this article we are going to take a look at what’s just around the corner in the coming new year. 

The Rise of Nature-Inspired Hues

Earthy tones are making a significant comeback, bringing the tranquility and warmth of nature indoors. Shades like olive green, muted terra cotta, and sandy beige are gaining popularity for their ability to create a comforting and grounded atmosphere. These colors are perfect for living areas and bedrooms where a sense of calm is desired.

Bold and Vibrant: Making a Statement

2024 is also about making bold statements with vibrant colors. Think deep blues, rich burgundies, and bright yellows for accent walls or statement furniture. These hues add a burst of energy and personality to any space, ideal for creative corners or dining areas.

Soothing Pastels: A Touch of Serenity

For those seeking a more subtle approach, pastel shades are the go-to choice. Soft lavender, pale pink, and light aquamarine offer a serene and airy feel, perfect for bathrooms and nurseries. These colors are great for creating a relaxing retreat in your home.

Metallics and Textured Paints

Adding depth and character to interiors, metallics and textured paints are becoming increasingly popular. From shimmering golds to matte bronzes, these options can add a luxurious feel even to ordinary places. But paint-type is not the only way to get a textured appearance. Here are some popular tips you can use to get a unique texture without needing to buy any kind of special paint: 

  • Sponging: This involves dabbing a sea sponge into the paint and then lightly pressing it onto the wall. It creates a mottled or stippled effect. You can layer different colors for depth.
  • Stippling: Use a stippling brush or a dry brush to apply paint in a stippling motion. This technique can create a raised, textured surface when done with multiple layers.
  • Combing: After applying a base coat, use a comb to create textured patterns by dragging it through the wet paint. 
  • Trowel Application: Use a trowel to apply a thick layer of paint onto the wall and manipulate it to create different textures like swirls, peaks, or other patterns.
  • Texture Additives: There are also texture additives available that you can add to paint yourself. These can create various textures like sand, stone, or plaster when applied with the right color. 
interior paint colors for 2024

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Paint Options

Color is not the only aspect of interior paint that concerns homeowners and interior designers. As awareness of environmental impact grows, so does the demand for eco-friendly paints. Sustainable options with low VOCs and natural pigments are not just better for the planet but also for your health. Shades like moss green and sky blue made with eco-friendly materials is a perfect combination for the coming interior design trends. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Color

Before finishing up this article, it’s important to touch on some basic tips for selecting the right color. It may seem like an easy task, but it involves the careful consideration of a few factors.

  • Room Purpose and Mood: Consider the function of the room. Is it a place to relax or socialize? Colors set the mood for every room, so choose one that is consistent with how a room is used. 
  • Natural Light: Take into account the amount of natural light the room receives. Darker colors can make a room feel cozy but might absorb light, while lighter colors can make a room appear more spacious and airy. 
  • Sample Testing: Always test paint colors by applying samples on the walls. Observing how the color looks in different lighting conditions throughout the day can help you make a better decision.

What Now?

Ready to bring these exciting 2024 color trends into your home? Contact Cherry Hill Painting for professional advice and top-quality painting services. Let us help you make your vision a reality!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How often should I repaint my interior to keep up with trends? A: While there’s no set rule, repainting every 3-5 years is a good way to keep your home feeling fresh and modern.

Q: Can I mix different color trends in one space? A: Absolutely! Mixing trends can add depth and interest to your space. Just ensure there’s a cohesive element, like a consistent color palette.

Q: How can I ensure the paint I choose is eco-friendly? A: Look for paints with low VOCs and natural pigments. Our team can help you select sustainable options.

Q: What’s the best way to incorporate metallic or textured paints? A: Use them on feature walls or in accent areas to add a focal point without overwhelming the space.

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