Cherry Hill Painting

5 Painting Tips for a Kid-Friendly Paint Job

It’s no secret that raising children is a messy business. From doorway growth charts and crayon marks on the stairwell wall paint, children leave their mark on your home and your heart. Can you have a space that is kid-friendly and fit for play, yet also inviting for the “grown ups”? We say yes!cherry-hill-painting-child-proof-paint-job

Many family homeowners ask us the same question: How do I paint and decorate my home in a way that I love that will also stand up to the wear and tear of kids? Fear not, we believe that attractive homes and children can coexist if you set yourself up for success from the beginning.

Along those lines, here are five painting tips and interior decorating ideas for child-proof, kid friendly spaces that stand the test of time.

Finish First

When it comes to kid-proof interior paint, quality and finish is everything. Be sure to select from paint brands that are durable and washable, with nothing less than a satin or semi-gloss finish. Matte finishes may be nice, but they will not pass the muddy hand print test.

Give Them A Say

When your children feel like they have a say in your home decorating, they are more likely to help you keep it tidy. Within reason, talk with your children about the home you share and the interior decorating ideas you are considering. Allow them to choose the paint colors in their room, within reason, and teach them what it looks like to keep a busy home neat and tidy. Their future selves will thank you for it….eventually.

Set Yourself Up For Success

When redecorating your Philadelphia, PA home, select paint colors that will be forgiving of the inevitable smudges and smears of childhood. Choose gray wall paint for your neutral hallway rather than white and hardwood floors over carpeting. Easy cleanup equals peace and joy in your Maple Shade, NJ home.

Designate A Wall

As the old adage goes, if you cannot beat them, join them. Use chalkboard wall paint to give them a surface that is A-OK for coloring. Adding a chalkboard wall in your kitchen or playroom can create an acceptable space where your children can get their “coloring on the wall” need met that will not send you over the edge of sanity.

Give Yourself A Break

At the end of the day, memories matter more than a pristine interior paint job. Do what you can to keep your interior paint looking fresh and tidy, but you’ll never regret choosing an epic Lego session over eliminating fingerprints and scuff marks from the hallway.

Take these painting tips and go forth confidently to cultivate a space that your whole family can enjoy! If you want the job done right, give us a call. Our professional painters are as kid friendly as the high quality paint brands they apply.

In the time it takes to watch an episode of Paw Patrol, you can book an estimate with Atlantic County, NJ’s best painters who will guide you through the next steps to child-proof walls.

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