Cherry Hill Painting

The What and Why Of Eco-Friendly Paint Brands

Painting with green paint on grey background

It’s easy to go out and buy a can of paint in the precise paint color of your choice. It’s harder, however, to decipher which can of paint not only jives with your interior design ideas, but is a green, eco-safe choice as well. You may find yourself wondering, what is wall paint made out of, anway? Is it a safe choice for my family? And what, exactly, should I be looking for when shopping for an eco-friendly paint?

Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind when looking for paint brands that are not only beautiful and durable but kind to our earth and Southern New Jersey environment as well.

What is paint made of out of? Paint is made of two basic components, the pigment, which provides the color for your paint, and the binder, which carries the pigment so you can easily apply it to your work surface. However, these two basics are often accompanied by a variety of chemicals, additives and solvents which were designed to enhance finish and ease of application. It is in these additives that the dangers and toxins in your paint often lie.

What are VOCs? – VOCs (or Volatile Organic Compounds) are solvents that are released into the air as your wall paint dries and according to the Environment Protection Agency, some VOCs are carcinogenic and potentially dangerous. The government has a set limit for the amount of VOCs that are permitted for each paint finish. However, some companies have taken the eco-friendly initiative to start producing paints with cleaner, lower VOC content that contain less or even no VOCs to protect the air quality in your home.

What are some Green Paint Choices? If you’re looking for low or no VOC paint options, just browse the aisles of your local home improvement warehouse or specialty paint store. There you will find a big selection of eco-friendly paint brands for your green painting project. You can buy Aura in any shade of Benjamin Moore paint colors, which is a zero VOC paint in an only slightly higher price point. Another eco-friendly option is Behr Premium Plus, a Behr paint with zero VOCs and an easy to apply, durable finish.

We all want to do our best to care for our families and preserve our southern New Jersey environment. With so many eco-friendly paint choices on the market and with options by Behr paint and Benjamin moore paint colors, it’s easy to be green and environmentally responsible in your painting projects. If you are looking for a reliable, professional painting company to tackle your interior design ideas or exterior projects we would love to consult with you. Give us a call and allow us to transform your home in the cleanest, most eco-friendly way possible.

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