Cherry Hill Painting

Transform Your Garage Door In 6 Easy Steps

Black garage and entrance door at white houseFor most Southern New Jersey homes, the street-facing garage door is a focal point of the home’s curb appeal. But what do you do when your garage door starts to look faded or dingy? You could always give it a thorough wash-down, but it may be time to freshen it up with a brand new paint job. Call a quality, knowledgeable paint company to help you select a few exterior house colors that will enhance the look of your home and take care of the job. Or, if you’d like to try your hand at DIY garage door painting, use these painting tips to get the job done.

Supplies & Painting Tools

Exterior Paint + Primer (must be compatible with the surface of your garage door)
Drop cloths
Paint Brush (2 – 2 ½ Inches)
Paint Cup or Bucket
Painter’s Tape

  1. Clean It– For any painting job, it’s essential to start with a clean surface so, using a bucket and sponge, clean your garage door and ensure it’s free of dirt and debris that would spoil the finish of your project.
  2. Tape it– Use painter’s tape to protect the garage door frame, trim (You can paint that later) and the siding of your home from a wayward brush or roller. Lay drop cloths or brown paper down underneath your garage door to protect your driveway from drips.
  3. Panels First– With your brush and paint cup start out by painting the recesses and panels on your garage door, moving in a neat, consistent direction. Begin in the recesses and move to the the panels doing one area at a time. Be sure to avoid drips.
  4. Cut in– Now, using your brush, cut in the perimeter of your garage door starting in the corners and moving on to the sides and top portion.
  5. Roll it– Pour the leftover paint from your cup and can into your paint tray and roll the remainder of your door. Do a second coat if needed.
  6. Paint the Frame & Trim– Going back to a brush, use matching or coordinating exterior paint colors to paint the frame and trim around your garage door. Start in the corners of the frame and then move on to the sides and top. Next, paint your trim starting at the edge where it meets the siding of your home and then move on to paint the face.

Using these six easy steps you can transform the curb appeal of your Southern New Jersey home. However, if you’d rather put your feet up while still enjoying the benefits of a new paint job, let us take care of your garage door paint project. Our friendly, experienced team would love to help you turn your shabby garage door into a home entryway that reflects the pride and hard work you put into your home.

Considering New Paint for Your Home?

Contact Cherry Hill Painting of Maple Hill, New Jersey, for all of your interior and exterior painting needs.

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