Cherry Hill Painting

Interior paint company New Jersey Philadelphia

How Fast Does Interior Paint Dry?

The idea of watching paint dry has become a simile for everything boring or tedious. Still, when the paint is on your own interior walls, you do tend to watch it! You want to know when it will be ready for the next step. How fast does interior paint dry?

Dry to the Touch: 1 Hour

After one hour, interior paint is generally safe to touch. This means that gentle contact with your hand or clothing will not mar the new surface, nor will it get paint on you.

Ready for Recoating: 4 Hours

Most latex paints are ready for a new coating after four hours. If you rush this, you could end up with a host of problems, including runs, drips, bubbling, and more. Always look at the label on your paint can for instructions. Also, keep in mind that high humidity will make the dry time take longer.

Full Curing: 14 to 30 Days

Interior paint reaches its full level of curing between two weeks and a month. Once it is fully cured, it is ready for gentle washing, and it has reached its maximum resistance against scuffs and stains.

When Can I Put Back Pictures and Furniture?

If you put your furniture against the walls or rehang your pictures too soon, the paint can actually stick to these items as it dries. To avoid this, wait at least 24 hours before restoring these items to their original locations. If possible, a few more days can make even more sure.

Interior Painting for New Jersey and Philadelphia

Cherry Hill Painting has been providing exceptional painting services to New Jersey and the Philadelphia region for several decades. We have developed a reputation for excellent results and superb customer service. If you have any questions about interior painting, or if you would like a free estimate, contact our office today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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